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FAQ – Frequently asked questions answered

What is vacuum double glazing?

Vacuum sealed double glazing is much the same as normal double glazing. However, instead of using a gas, like typical double glazing, we use a vacuum.

This allows vacuum double glazing to be up to five times more effective than normal double glazing.

What does the u-value of glazing represent?

The u-value of a window indicates the rate that which heat transfers through a window. A lower u-value means a window is better at maintaining the temperature inside a home.

The u-value of modern vacuum double glazing can go as low as 0.5 W/m2K. A typical standard double-glazing unit has a u-value of around 2.6W/m2K.

Do you replace the window frame?

No, we do not replace window frames. We only replace the glass in the existing window frame.

Can you reglaze wooden frame windows as well as PVC windows?

Yes, we can reglaze windows with any type of frame, including wooden, PVC, metal, and aluminium frames.